Unlock the power of Quizzes in learning!

A Quiz is much more than just a set of questions.

It is a dynamic tool that helps you remember the concepts hidden deep within the crevices of your mind.

In 2008, Karpicke and Roediger conducted an experiment that divided students into two groups. Both groups were given a passage to remember. Group 1 studied the passage repeatedly, while Group 2 took a quiz after reading it. The result was that Group 2 retained about 80% of the information after a week, compared to only about 35% for Group 1.

Essentially, the more you test yourself on a topic, the better you’ll remember it.

We designed InfosecQuiz.com to enable students and professionals to train better in all information security concepts, providing a solid fundamental understanding of core concepts.

I hope you will enjoy it!


Dr. Kaushal Bhavsar

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